October 2024
Mon – Fri 8:30 – 5:00 Tuesdays are free "Whitehall Local Shopping"
Our "Monthly Calendar" will provide dates and times for
out of town rides.
Additional rides can always be
scheduled by calling
We also have ride services available for the communities surrounding
Boulder, MT

About Whitehall Public Transportation
Whitehall Public Transportation is a program operating under Liberty Place, Inc.(LPI), a 501c nonprofit corporation, which provides services for those who have incurred traumatic brain injuries. LPI operates two assisted living facilities in Whitehall, MT.
Whitehall Public Transportation (WPT) started services on July 1, 2011. It remains the only provider of transit for the general public in the greater Whitehall, MT area.
WPT services a good number of Whitehall residents and senior citizens who would otherwise be isolated without the services we provide. Our focus is first on medical and therapy appointments with trips for other basic life necessities such as nutrition, shopping, recreation/social, education and employment, including Vocational Rehabilitation.
Whitehall Public Transportation is providing transit services to the town of Boulder beginning July 1, 2020. Anyone interested in receiving these services are asked to call 877-287-3156 at least 24hrs in advance of the ride they are requesting. Services to other towns will be met upon availability of driver/vehicle.
WPT holds quarterly Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings which are open to the public. These meetings are held via zoom and at the “Dick Gustin Memorial Bus Barn”, 1147 HWY 55, Whitehall, MT. Dates of meetings can be found on our monthly calendar.
All drivers are trained in CPR/First Aid. Five of our vehicle’s fleet have accessible ramps or lifts.
Our Mission: To offer independence and quality of life to those who depend on safe and reliable transportation services.
Hours of Operation : Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Office Hours : Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM